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Etiquette - Dress code

You are entering a golf club, please respect its etiquette.
Dress code - Golf de Divonne
The etiquette governs the behaviour of a player on the course. The motivation here is triple:
  • Safety of all players on the course (its own and that of others) but also that of the gardeners who officiate on the course
  • Maintenance of the course (divot, bunker, green and fairway) and its facilities
  • Respect of the pace of play in order to complete the 18-hole course in a maximum time of 4h30

It is the responsibility of everybody. The golf course is a place of sharing where good manners and mutual respect are essential to the good practice of this wonderful game.

So do not hesitate to refresh your knowledge of the Golf Etiquette and your golf games will be all the more enjoyable!

Bunkers - Golf de Divonne
Rakes must be placed in the bunkers, fairway side only.
Bunkers - Golf de Divonne
Enter and exit the sand trap from the low sides. Thank you!